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WHY RENT a quality instrument

playing is


IT'S NOT YOU IT'S YOUR INSTRUMENT! Not even the best musicians can make music on a low-quality instrument. Renting is the best way to guarantee a quality instrument from middle school through high school. Why put your student behind with an instrument that doesn't play well? Directors know that a good quality instrument is key for musical success!

Repairs on


When you rent with Marshall Music, you’re covered. Replacement parts for off brand instruments are often unavailable and repairs cannot be guaranteed. This means you may spend hundreds on repairs alone. We stand by the quality of the instruments that we rent and are happy to include free repairs with all rental contracts. And when we say free, we mean it - no hidden fees!

when it's
time to

We know that life happens! Our rental programs allow you to return your instrument at any time, free of charge. In addition, if your child decides to change from one instrument to another, your previous payments will be applied to your new instrument. Also, as your child grows, so do their stringed instruments from Marshall Music - size exchanges are free!

"Marshall Music is an outstanding collection of some of the finest music education professionals in the State of Michigan, and it’s a pleasure to work with them."
- Iain Novoselich 
   Director of Bands - Grand Haven High School
music ed

Marshall Music does more to support music education that any other music retailer in the state of Michigan.

To learn about everything we do 

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